Nurse Stella |
Fifteen year old Stella kept a vigilant watch over Dolly all month; never once saw her as dinner or tried to be agressive. So curious, in fact, that one day she touched nose to beak while Dolly sat in my lap!
The last couple of days Dolly had gradually lost her will to fight. I could see it in her demeanor - she wasn't trying as hard to stand up; she also was eating less and shook her head when I tried to give her an eyedropper of water.
Steve humanely put her down Sunday and cleaned up the hospital room for me while I was at the grocery store. What a great husband! I don't think I could have participated.
I had lost my devotion to the other 4 with my foot surgery restrictions and Dolly's illness. I saw a questioning "look" in Fearless's eyes as though she wondered where her sister is and what's going on. Since she is the low girl in the flock, I am giving her a little more attention for right now. Even though Dolly and Curious would peck Fearless away from tasty morsels, she would still surreptitiously follow Dolly around the yard!
Saturday I cleaned the coop and changed-out all the hay. The girls have fun jumping up into the wheelbarrow to see if something good is getting thrown out. Gabby clucks and follows me in and out of the coop house, always chattering about what I'm doing. It was just what I needed to make me happy, since I knew what was going to happen Sunday.
I have to say that the Golden Lace Wyandotte [Dolly and Fearless] is a beautiful breed. The rose comb is crinkle-y, rather than the typical chicken comb, and it gives them the look of a cute little 'hat' positioned on top of their head. The feathers, carmel and dark brown/black, are beautiful and so far my favorite pattern of all the feathers in my coop!