Saturday, September 6, 2014

C. I .C.

The C.I.C.....every flock of chickens has one. Come to think of it, I'll bet every group of teenage girls does too!

It is ... the ... Chick In Charge.

From 3 days old, one of my Plymouth Barred Rocks assumed that position by being first to come to my hand and the most interested in what was going on...naturally, when it came to naming, I named her Curious. And, she has been Top Chick ever since.

At this age of 3-1/2, she barely has to look at the others and they scoot out of her way. She is a glutton for any special treat and will growl at the other to warn them away. She will rush to a pile of fresh worm-compast with the yum-yum eating 'purr', the others will try to grab what they can from another part of the pile or other area. But, if she thinks they are getting something she wants, then Curious will rush over and dominate  that area.
Curious will be first to get the treat!

I actually feed Amelia her treats on top of the metal trash can because she is the only one who can get up there; the other tubby ones can rarely hoist themselves up there. It make them mad, haha...especially Fearless who works really hard to stay in 3rd. place, above Amelia and below Gabby (in the #2 spot).

Occasionally, Fearless will try to spar off against Gabby. They puff up and raise their necks and try to peck each other. For the most part, Gabby out does Fearless and she will back down.

No one spars with Curious; in fact, she rarely pecks anyone she is that confident. Fearless will peck Amelia, who always walks away with this attitude of "hey, I'm cool". Then Amelia will circle around behind the others and look for food left behind. She knows she is bottom chick, but it's like she doesn't care.

Even when it comes to resting or dust baths, if Curious wants your spot, you'd better get up and move.....and, she always wants your least for a while. If you make another dust bath, she might just come to that one, too.

The treat dance is firstly a free-for-all scramble for worms which turns into an orchestrated choreography of movement. Curious dominates, Gabby moves off to another pile, gets a nibble then Curious rushes over to make sure Gabby isn't getting something better. Then Curious moves off to sample something, so Gabby and Fearless move behind her to the vacated position.
Gabby gets testy at Fearless and she moves over to peck Amelia. (Fearless always takes it out on Amelia). Amelia moves in behind Curious for a leftover. Curious growls, Amelia moves off casually keeping to herself, Fearless sees that and makes her move toward Amelia and she agains moves out of the way or on top of the trash can. Amelia is always working to stay away from Fearless. Fearless and Gabby love-hate each other and usually keep a neutrality going. 

Curious is impervious to the dances behind her. She is on top, Number One and always the Chick in Charge!